Travelling by train - free help

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For A Helping Hand When Travelling By Train

At National Rail we want all our customers to be able to access stations and trains for a more inclusive journey experience.

We understand that when making a journey some customers would be more confident travelling with a little extra support and that’s why all train companies offer a helping hand for any trip through Passenger Assist.

You can book assistance 24-hours a day by contacting Passenger Assist on freephone 0800 0223720.

Here’s a guide for more information on available assistance.

Passenger Assist

Simply book assistance for any train journey, with one number. For a helping hand around the station, to boarding a train or arranging a ramp.

The train company you’re travelling with will organise assistance for your entire journey, even if you travel with someone else to complete the trip.

The Train company you are travelling with can arrange for someone to:

  • meet you at the station entrance or meeting point
  • help you navigate around the station and accompany you to your train
  • help you on and off the service
  • provide a ramp on and off your train
  • meet you from your train and take you to your next train or the exit
  • carry your bag (up to three items of luggage as per the National Rail Conditions of Travel)

How to book

Let us know the journey you are planning to take, and we will connect you to the appropriate train operating company to make your booking request.

For text and textphone we’ll send an instant SMS with the number you need to dial from your textphone unit.

Call and texts are at no charge.

Local Offer

Local Offer Age Bands
0-5 years
5-11 years
11-16 years
16-19 years
19-25 years
Parents & carers


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