St Peter's Church of England Primary School

St. Peter's Logo Local Offer

St. Peter's is a voluntary aided Church of England primary school attached to the Parish Church of St. Peter's in Darwen. We currently have 259 children on roll and have a maximum of 45 intake per year group. We currently have 11 classes across the school: 2 Reception classes,  3 KS1 classes and 6 KS2 classes. 17% of our children at present are on the Special Needs register and 34% are eligible for Pupil Premium.

As a Christian family at St Peter’s School, we create a unique place of learning, nurturing the gifts that God in his awesomeness has given us. We encourage every child and prepare them for life’s journey, inspiring them to fulfill their potential, their dreams and their aspirations.

Sowing the seeds of tomorrow

Matthew 13:1-23

Who to contact

Contact Name
Suzanne Prescott
Contact Position
Assistant Headteacher and SENDCo
01254 701299 01254 701299
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Where to go

St. Peter's C.E. Primary School
Turncroft Road


View BB3 2BW on a map

Local Offer

Contact Name
Suzanne Prescott
Contact Telephone
01254 701299
Contact Email
St Peter's C of E Primary Website
Local Offer Age Bands
5-11 years
Parents & carers
Needs Level
SEN Provision Type

Schools Extended Local Offer Response

How does the setting/school/college know if children/young people need extra help and what should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs?
  • Safeguarding and Prevent training
  • ACE trained school 
  • An anti-bullying policy
  • Family Well-Being Worker with up to date training in Designated Safeguard Lead, Introduction to counselling, Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy training
  • Targeted support for individual pupils.
  • School and Eco Council
  • Pupil Voice
  • Advice from specialists 
  • Boxall profile training
  • Forest school
  • Timetable variations
  • Playtime support
  • Lunchtime groups
  • ELSA trained staff members in school
  • Mental Health Support Team 
  • ELKAN trained members of staff 
  • Individualised reward systems
How will early years setting/school/college staff support my child/young person?
  • All staff have Safeguarding, PREVENT, First Aid, ACE training and online safeguarding training

    Most staff have additional training in, Monster Phonics, Numicon Maths resource training, use of ICT (software and hardware including interactive whiteboards).

    One or more members of staff: Asthma Friendly Schools and Settings Training, Mental Health First Aider qualification, National SENCo Award, Nurture Training, Peer Massage, Fine and Gross Motor Skills Programmes, Makaton Signing,  Attachment and Loss, Derbyshire Language Programme, Clicker, Social Stories (Behaviour / ASD resources), Boxall profile training, Epipen Use, epilepsy awareness training, CSE training, Designated Safeguard Lead, Introduction to counselling, Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy training, ELKLAN, ELSA, coaching, diabetes awareness training

    Specialist expertise engaged from external services –

    ASD, Speech and Language therapists, SEND support services, EP support, Mental Health and Well-Being services etc.
How will the curriculum be matched to my child's/young person's needs?

The inclusive nature of our school means that we seek to provide the best opportunities for learning whatever the child's background, ability or family circumstances.

We welcome children with any form of SEND and are able to access support for a wide range of needs, including cognition and learning, speech and language, physical, medical, sensory, social, emotional and mental health concerns and English as an Additional Language.

The school will make every effort to respond appropriately to concerns raised by parents/carers, teachers, services already involved with the child (e.g. Inclusion Support Services, Speech & Language Therapists), the pupil's previous school or pre-school.

Concerns typically include lack of progress, poor test scores, a change in pupil's behaviour and when a pupil or parent asks directly for help.

How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to support my child's/young person's learning?

Here at St. Peter's we firmly believe that early identification is the key to every child reaching their full potential.

We will work with parents through their concerns.

  • Parents should note any known or diagnosed conditions on admission forms and when first contacting the school, along with the details of professionals alreadyinvolved with their child.
  • If concerns arise, the parents should contact the child's teacher in the first instance, or the Special Needs Co-ordinator, through the school office.
What support will there be for my child's/young person's overall well being?
  • Supporting all children through quality first teaching in all classes is the belief at St. Peter's. However, we realise that sometimes some children may require additional help or support.
  • The SENDCo works with teachers to identify needs, and agree appropriate provision.
  • The class teacher will oversee, plan and work with children with SEND, in consultation with the SENDCo, and they review and evaluate the child's Record of Progress (ROP) on a termly basis.
  • All teachers have high expectations for the progress of all children, including those with specific needs.
  • There may be a Teaching Assistant (TA) working with the child, either individually or as part of a group, to deliver specific interventions, classroom or playground support. The focus and regularity of these sessions will be explained to parents when the support starts.
  • The class teacher and/or SENDCo will meet with the parents at least twice a year (this could be part of a parents' evening) to discuss the child's needs, support and progress.
  • The class teacher, SENDCo and Senior Management team monitor the progress of all children requiring additional support across the school, in half termly Pupil Progress meetings. 
  • Alongside this, impact tracking is completed half-termly and adaptations to provision made in light of these findings.
  • Individual children may also have daily home school books; behaviour charts or weekly meetings with class teacher in order for parents to be kept fully informed of their child’s needs and progress. 

If further information is required the SENDCo is available to discuss this support in more detail.

What specialist services and expertise are avaliable at or accessed by the setting/school/college?
  • For all of the children in St Peter's, lesson content is differentiated by teaching staff to the needs of individual children.
  • For a very few children, with very specific needs, we may plan parts of the curriculum completely differently to the rest of the class to ensure those children also make progress.

Parents and carers would be involved in these decisions.

What training have the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had? Are any being trained currently?

The class teacher will provide teaching and learning activities to match the academic level of all the children in the class.

Teaching assistants often assist the class teacher in meeting all the children's needs but we always strive to help children work independently or with other children rather than become dependent on adult support. 

Provision for SEN pupils includes :

    • Quality first teaching, with appropriate reasonable adjustments in place;
    • Extra adult support in classrooms where appropriate;
    • All staff are ACE trained and use this in their management of challenging and concerning behaviours;
    • Personalised provision through time limited programmes;
    • Personalised provision through adapted resources, interventions and timetables
    • Creative, stimulating topics accessible to all children;
    • Children’s input on the learning that takes place in topic is planned
    • Forest school sessions on a termly basis;
    • Nurture provision applied throughout the day;
    • A supportive playtime environment, structured with adult led activities.
    • Specialist equipment is provided to help the children in their learning like writing slopes, computer programmes, coloured overlays or easy-to-use scissors.
    • Individualised visual resource systems within classrooms.
    • Use of a Peace Room
    • Sensory tent to be used by pupils as and when needed.
How will my child/young person be included in activities outside this classroom including school trips?

Every half term, each teacher has a pupil progress meeting in which they discuss targets.

Children are clear on their targets in each class and year group as they are discussed in lessons daily.

Children on ROP's also discuss their ROP targets if they are not curriculum related termly with staff and these will then be shared with parents.

Those children with an EHCP have the opportunity to voice their opinions at review meetings and others have discussions regularly in SEN meetings with the SENDCo an class teacher.

Parents' evenings are also held in the Autumn and Spring terms to allow parents and their child's class teacher to discuss their progress during that term.

The SENDCo is also available on parents' evening and separate appointments can be made to see her to discuss any specific SEND concerns.

In the Spring term, a mid term report is received by parents detailing their progress and effort until that point in the year.

This report is followed up in the Summer term when each child receives a school report that states both their academic progress and effort during that school year.

St. Peter's has an open door policy and the staff are willing to discuss parent's concerns at a time that is mutually convenient.

In addition to the teaching staff, the school employs a Family Well being Co-ordinator who is able to discuss parent's concerns on a more informal basis.

How accessible is the setting/school/college enviroment?

Regular parent workshops are available for parents of children in our reception class.

Through the year there are several drop-in maths and English sessions which focus on different things every year. Parents are encouraged to join in with these alongside their children.

Parents Evenings are twice a year and we run an open-door policy where parents are encouraged to speak to their child's class teacher at any point during the school year if they feel it is necessary. 

How will the setting/school/college prepare and support my child/young person to join the setting/school/college or the next stage of education and life?

The school offers a range of pastoral support for children experiencing emotional or social difficulties.

The young person's class teacher or teaching assistant is usually their first point of contact and the children are able to flag up concerns in the class 'Worry Box' or through Personal, Social and Health education lessons.

However, if a child wishes to speak confidentially to an adult, the school employs a Pupil Well-Being Co-ordinator who can help the children talk through their difficulties.

If we then feel that the child requires additional support for their emotional well being the SENCDo, with the parent's prior consent, may refer these children to other organisations for more specialist advice, help or support.

School also employs a 3 ELSA trained members of staff in order to support the emotional well being of out children and have two specific staff members to run interventions needed for individuals ranging from educational support to sensory support. One member of teaching staff is named as the lead Mental Health member of staff. The school also has access to the Mental Health Support Team and is working towards the bronze award for advocation of young carers. 

Parents will be informed through discussions with the class teacher if these interventions are being considered for their child; equally parents can request some support through speaking to a member of staff at school for their child. 

Where a child has a medical need, then a detailed Individual Health Plan (IHP) is compiled by the class teacher in consultation with the child's parents/carers and the school nurse.

The IHP is shared with all staff who are involved with the child.

When necessary, the staff receive regular 'Epipen', epilepsy, diabetes or other medical training from the School Nursing team.

If prescribed medicines need to be administered in school, a parent/carer consent form must be drawn up and signed by the parent/carer to ensure the safety of both the child and the staff member administering the medication. 

All medication is kept securely in the school office.

How are the setting's/school's/college's resources allocated and matched to children's/young people's special educational needs?
  • Outside activities and school trips are available to all.
  • Risk assessments are carried out and procedures are put in place to enable all children to participate.
  • Higher staff to pupil ratios if required.
  • If needed, after discussions with parents, provision may be made for breakfast club and after school activities including PTA events which happen on school grounds.
  • The Accessibility Policy 
How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child/young person will receive?

Our reception class teachers make visits to the child’s nursery setting prior to the children joining at the beginning of the reception year.

There are also two, 1 hour transition visits for the children to come and experience the school setting in the Summer term prior to their admission.

At these sessions, whilst the children are in their new classrooms, parents/carers have the opportunity to speak with the head teacher, SENDCo and the school’s Family Well-being worker about any concerns they may have.

All children join Reception in September with staggered starts over the first week.

All children who join our school at other times are given a peer mentor who will support them and help them settle into their new class.

For all children with SEND we make a transition book to support their move from one class to the next. The book contains photos of the new class; new class teacher; new classmates etc. so that the child can look at the book over the summer break.

We also hold ‘a meet the teacher’ event before the end of the school year for parents to meet their child’s new class teacher and discuss any concerns they may have.

In Year 6, teachers prepare children for the transition to secondary school and secondary staff visit the school to talk about all children's needs.

Some children benefit from extra support over this transition to secondary school.

These children will be supported by a teaching and learning assistant or the SENDCo. This may involve additional visits to the secondary school.

When funding is available, children with SEND will be targeted for attendance at summer school delivered in partnership with the receiving secondary school. 

How are parents involved in the setting/school/college? How can I be involved?

The SEN budget is allocated each financial year following discussion between the headteacher, governing body and the SENDCo.

  • This money is used to provide additional support of resources targeted to the school's current needs and emerging priorities.

Additional provision may be allocated after discussion with class teachers at the half-termly pupil progress meetings or, if a concern is raised, at another point in the year.

Children who qualify for the Government's Pupil Premium funding are assessed and decisions made about how best to use that money.

  • They may receive one-to-one or small group tuition, or have key resources or opportunities paid for during the year.
  • The impact of this spending is carefully monitored by the school and Governing body and adjustments are made throughout the year in line with this monitoring.


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