Aurora Keyes Barn School

Aurora Keyes Barn School Logo Local Offer

A specialist, independent primary school for boys aged 5-12 who face challenges associated with additional social, emotional or mental health needs.

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Contact Name
Dalziel McAlister
Contact Position
01772 673 672 01772 673 672
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Aurora Keyes Barn School
Station Road


View PR4 0YH on a map


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Keyes Barn School caters for pupils aged 6-11 with Special SEN Statements for SEBD and / or ASD with challenging behaviour.

Local Offer

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Schools Extended Local Offer Response

How does the setting/school/college know if children/young people need extra help and what should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs?

We have a very robust system of reviewing our practice across the curriculum. This includes the Ofsted Framework for both education and care. The school has comprehensive tracker systems that enable staff to evaluate each individual's progress. If there is a ‘Cause for Concern’ a special meeting will be held to refocus any pupil who is not making the expected progress.

How will early years setting/school/college staff support my child/young person?

We make reasonable adjustments to our practices to comply with the Equality Act (2010). At Keyes Barn School we provide support for pupils across the 4 areas of need as laid out in the SEN Code of Practice 2014; Communication and interaction, Cognition and Learning, Social, emotional and mental health difficulties and Sensory and or physical needs. This support is assigned to the teacher and key workers through provision mapping.

We have staff trained in specific areas (see Section 4&5). Each child will be assigned a key worker who will be available to work with your child during 1:1 sessions in and outside of the classroom. The Keyworker will not only support your son academically but also help your child socially, emotionally and behaviourally through the use of the provision mapping.

Our School Provision Map shows the range of interventions in place in our School which identify children who benefit from these interventions.  All the intervention programmes we use are developed through evidence-based research and are known to support children to make increased progress. We also have access to outside agencies such as clinical psychologists and Speech and Language Practitioners, who can use our nurturing and calm environment for their sessions.  

How will the curriculum be matched to my child's/young person's needs?

Your child will initially have their needs identified through their Educational Health Care Plan. This will highlight the level of support that is needed. The school will of course look closely at this to ensure that your child is making progress. We constantly review this and using our expertise and experience will identify when and where additional support may be needed. If necessary, the school will make an application for change through the Annual Review process.

How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to support my child's/young person's learning?

All pupils who attend Keyes Barn require specialist support to access learning.  Our systems will identify what type of support will best meet the needs of your child. 

What support will there be for my child's/young person's overall well being?

We make reasonable adjustments to our practices so as to comply with the Equality Act (2010). At Keyes Barn School we provide support for pupils across the 4 areas of need as laid out in the SEN Code of Practice 2014; Communication and interaction, Cognition and Learning, Social, emotional and mental health difficulties and Sensory and or physical needs. This support is assigned to the teacher and keyworkers through the use of provision mapping.

We have staff that have been trained in specific areas. Each child will be assigned a keyworker who will be available to work with your child during 1:1 session in and outside of the classroom. The Keyworker will not only support your son academically but also help your child socially, emotionally and behaviourally through the use of the provision mapping.

All the intervention programmes we use are developed through evidence base research and known to support children to make increased progress. We also have access to outside agencies such as clinical psychologists and Speech and Language Practitioners, who are able to use our nurturing and calm environment for their sessions.  

What specialist services and expertise are avaliable at or accessed by the setting/school/college?

Every pupil has their own IEP which is tailored to meeting their individual needs. Staff levels are generous with Teachers and Keyworkers. All staff are focused on getting your son to fully engage and make the best of all learning opportunities. Group sizes vary up to 8 pupils, thus giving each pupil large amounts of staff time across the curriculum. All planning both medium and short term is highly differentiated to match individual need. Our staff are also supported by other key professionals where necessary.

What training have the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had? Are any being trained currently?

The baseline for Keyes Barn School is to provide the ‘legal entitlement’ in both Key Stages, which it does. There is a range of extra subjects taught as part of our curriculum offer, such as, Social Skills, Options, Life Skills and Gardening. The whole school curriculum caters for the development of your son in many different ways. Our aim always is to provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum. Aspects within the curriculum are individually tailored to meet your child's need(s), as/when necessary. Lesson plans are differentiated to each learner’s individual needs and learning style.

How will my child/young person be included in activities outside this classroom including school trips?

Parent/Carers generally meet the Head at Keyes Barn School when they first look around the school. After this parents/carers can visit at any time – a phone call is considered courteous.  We keep you fully informed about your child's progress through Annual Reviews, Reports, Home Visits, Telephone Calls, Emails etc.

How accessible is the setting/school/college enviroment?

At Keyes Barn we monitor children’s progress regularly  report to parents on a termly home visit programme. This allows  progress and functioning at school to be discussed in all areas of the curriculum including behaviour and personal development.    Where a pupil’s progress has stalled or he has fallen behind, an action plan is drawn up to inform remediation.

Parents/carers are free to speak to school at any time with regard to pupil progress, welfare or concerns and regular contact is maintained through the following methods:
• Communication with keyworkers on twice daily transport.
• Home/School diaries.
• Phone contact.
• Home visits.
• Consultation meetings.
• Annual review of Education Health Care Plans.


How will the setting/school/college prepare and support my child/young person to join the setting/school/college or the next stage of education and life?

Keyes Barn School has a robust ‘Safeguarding Policy’ and protocol in place. Pupils health and well-being is paramount. Personal care is conducted discreetly and with dignity and fostering independence whenever possible. We work closely with medical practitioners, if your son has a health care need(s) we will discuss with you a Health Care Plan and administration of prescribed medication. In addition to working on education progress, we also focus on pastoral aspects of a child’s development.  We have keyworkers in each class who know your child very well and will support their learning and needs in respect of behaviour management.

  • Education Health Care Plans
  • Keyworker reports
  • Keyworker supervision notes (of sessions with pupils)
  • Individual Progress Models
  • Individual Provision maps
  • Positive Handling Plans
  • Smiley faces
  • Individual Risk Assessments
  • Feel Good Think Good sessions
  • Weekly menus provided by the school cook
  • FAGUS – Develop Mental Profile tracking
  • School Council which meets regularly and consists of two staff and six pupils
  • Anti-bullying/anti-racism ethos
  • Comprehensive safeguarding policies and procedures designed to keep staff and pupil’s safe
  • Home visits to offer support and ensure home conditions and basic care are assessed and monitored


How are the setting's/school's/college's resources allocated and matched to children's/young people's special educational needs?

At Keyes Barn School pupils are encouraged to engage in cooperative and/or competitive activities at break and lunch time to develop social skills.  The activities provided, which are always supervised by staff, include board games, computing including IPad and tablets and use of the library. (reading books and newspapers). We also have extensive social building opportunities, train tracks and a variety of play options.

Pupils of all ages have opportunities to take place in outreach visits which support aspects of the curriculum taught in school.  During recent months pupils have visited.

  • Theatre
  • Blackpool Zoo
  • Manchester Lego Land
  • Wild Boar Park
  • Sea Life Centre
  • Trampoline park
  • Laser quest
  • Farming
  • Museums
How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child/young person will receive?

Pupil’s needs are at the centre of all transition arrangements made by the school and these will be made in consultation with parents/carers.

Before a pupil is admitted to Keyes Barn School a visit will have taken place with his parent/carer, followed by a home visit conducted by the home liaison officer. During the visit to school the prospective pupils will visit the classrooms and talk to pupils, teachers and keyworkers.

Transition planning takes place during Education Health and Care Plan meetings annually so that any changes are well planned and the pupil, as well as parents/carers, feel well supported and confident about them being successful.  Transition meetings take place in year 6 to enable a suitable secondary facility to be identified. Keyes Barn School staff then actively work with the future school to ensure a purposeful, positive and smooth transition for year 7. Parents are included in this process.

How are parents involved in the setting/school/college? How can I be involved?

It is the responsibility of the Headteacher in consultation with staff, pupils and parents/carers to provide appropriate resources and equipment for all pupils at all times.  



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