Expert Parent Programme: Two new e-learning modules now available through CDC

CDC is pleased to announce two new e-learning modules as part of the Expert Parent Programme: Planning for an Uncertain Future and Support Decision-making and the Mental Capacity Act (2005). These have been developed as part of the new Complex Health Needs element of the programme, which is funded by Together for Short Lives.

This programme is aimed at the parent carers of children and young people with complex health needs and a learning disability which means they do not have the capacity to make significant decisions for themselves. However these e-learning modules are freely available to all, including any professionals supporting these families.
Planning for an Uncertain Future  looks at some of the key challenges families may face when their son or daughter, who has complex health needs and a learning disability, moves into adulthood and prepares to move onto adult services.

Supported Decision-making and the Mental Capacity Act builds on the knowledge of each person’s human right to make a decision about themselves, and how legislation supports and protects this. It also provides insight about the part that parent carers have once their child turns 16.

These modules can be accessed freely at


Page last reviewed: 18/10/2023

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