Daisyfield Community Primary School

Daisyfield Primary School Local Offer

Daisyfield Primary School is a Community Primary school. We have a Nursery which currently has 26 part –time places. The school has an admission number of 40 children per year group.

In 2008 a substantial building and refurbishment programme was completed. Our outdoor provision was improved; adding a ‘trim trail’ to all three key stages.

All the pupils, parents, staff and governors are very proud of Daisyfield Primary School and its achievements. Daisyfield Primary is a multi-cultural school where we all try our best to work by the motto, ‘Dream, Believe, Achieve'.

Our aim is to constantly strive to improve our standards at all times in order to give our children the best educational opportunity. It is important that children experience a wide range of opportunities in order to enable them to become well balanced and tolerant independent thinkers.

The school provides a wide range of trips and extracurricular activities throughout the year. In addition artists, authors, musicians and sports trainers are brought into school to widen the children's experience and improve their ability. We also have a Breakfast Club which starts at 7.45am.

At Daisyfield we have successfully supported children with a wide range of Special Educational Needs including Speech, Language and Communication, Sensory needs, SpLd, Physical/Medical needs and ASD.

We provide opportunities to develop the children’s skills, meet their individual targets and include them in our mainstream setting through 1:1 support, differentiation of lessons, small group teaching and selective use of intervention programmes.

We have a full time learning mentor who delivers a range of targeted programmes to support specific needs. We work closely with parents/carers to support their children.

Who to contact

Contact Name
Mrs Nicola Stewart
Contact Position
01254 52108 01254 52108
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Where to go

Daisyfield Primary School
Clinton Street


View BB1 5LB on a map

Local Offer


Accessible toilet

Changing bed


SPLD strategies throughout school.

Touch screen computers/Interactive White Boards.

Alternative approaches to recording information.


Contact Name
Nicola Stewart
Contact Telephone
01254 52108
Contact Email
Daisyfield Primary School Website
Local Offer Age Bands
0-5 years
5-11 years
Parents & carers
Needs Level
SEN Provision Type

Schools Extended Local Offer Response

How does the setting/school/college know if children/young people need extra help and what should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs?

We work closely with and have access to the following agencies to support your child’s needs:

  • Therapy services including Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy.
  • Advisory teachers within the SEND Support Service.
  • Educational Psychology Team.
  • SEND Team.
  • Social Services.
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (ELCAS).
  • Child Action North West and Home Start
  • SENDIASS- (Provides a flexible and supportive Service, giving parents/carers, children/young people 0-25, schools and professionals the opportunity of working together to meet the special educational needs and disability of the individual pupil).
How will early years setting/school/college staff support my child/young person?

We have an extensive programme of training and development available in school for both teaching and support staff.  All staff undertake training in relation to safeguarding and disability awareness. 

Some staff have specialist training in the following specialities:

  • Behaviour Management.
  • Emotional Literacy
  • Language and communication difficulties.
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorder
  • Visual and Hearing Impairments.
  • Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type III (Brittle Bones).
  • Epilepsy
  • Asthma
How will the curriculum be matched to my child's/young person's needs?

We monitor all children closely and this enables us to identify the individual needs of our pupils. Staff will voice their concerns and the SENDCo will discuss the child’s progress. We assess children regularly throughout the school and specific assessments may be carried out depending on the child’s area of need. Staff also observe pupil behaviour closely and notice changes. Staff listen to children’s concerns if they need support and discuss learning with children.

Pupils are identified as having SEND, and the needs assessed, through:

  • Information passed on by Nursery, at the end of each school year and from any previous schools.
  • Assessments we use include RoSCo (Robinson Screening of Comprehension), statutory year 1 phonics test, KS1 SATS, NFER, Lancashire termly maths assessments and KS2 SATS.
  • Feedback from teaching staff and observations.
  • Referrals from parents.
How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to support my child's/young person's learning?

If a parent is aware of a child’s special needs before they enter school they should let us know when they first visit the school or when a place is allocated so that we can discuss the child’s needs and how we can best meet them.  Once the child has been offered a place we can discuss, in more detail, how we can support their child and any additional support that needs to be in place before the child starts school.

If you have concerns about your child you can speak to any of the following people:

  • Your child’s class teacher.
  • Our Head Teacher – Mrs L Banks
  • SENDCo – Mrs N Stewart
  • Our Learning Mentor– Mrs L Hough
  • Our SEND Governor – Mrs P Fowler
What support will there be for my child's/young person's overall well being?

All staff in school are committed to ensuring children thrive, achieve and stay safe at school. We do this by quality first teaching and offering a wide ranging curriculum/learning environment. Where appropriate children may be supported in small groups or on a 1:1 basis depending on their needs. 

Our Learning Mentor will also support children who may require support with emotion and social development.

What specialist services and expertise are avaliable at or accessed by the setting/school/college?

At Daisyfield the expectation is for all children to receive quality first teaching.  When a child has been identified as having SEND their work will be differentiated by the class teacher to enable them to access the curriculum more easily.  The child’s Learning Plan and ‘Individual Profile’ will show the parents the support their child receives.

If appropriate, specialist equipment may be given to the child to support their needs e.g. Sloping writing board, reading rulers, pencil grips or training scissors.  Extra equipment may also be provided by services who work with school e.g. walking frames from the Occupational Therapist. 

What training have the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had? Are any being trained currently?

We are committed to giving your child every opportunity to achieve.  We do this by quality first teaching and offering a wide ranging curriculum/learning environment that may be adapted by:

  • Personalised provision through time limited interventions and adapted resources.
  • Groupings that target specific levels of progress.
  • Differentiated resources and teaching styles.
  • Access arrangements for tests.
  • Additional adult support.
  • Following ILP targets.
  • Referring to the SEND Policy.

We are a fully inclusive school that takes reasonable action to ensure that your child can access all learning opportunities.  

Please see our SEND Policy on the school website.

How will my child/young person be included in activities outside this classroom including school trips?

Monitoring progress is an integral part of teaching and leadership within Daisyfield.  As well as parents, children and staff our governors are involved in the reviewing of interventions with learners.  Progress data for all learners is tracked on Target Tracker, termly, and collated by the whole school and monitored by staff, SLT, the Head teacher and Governors.  Progress is regularly and adaptations to provision made in light of these findings. An annual report is written for Governors and the SEN Information Report will be renewed on the school website.

 These arrangements include:

  • Data tracking for pupil progress.
  • ILPs (Individual Learning Plan) and EHCP (Education Health Care Plan) Reviews.
  • Observations and follow up.
  • Parent Meetings.

Our open door policy provides parents with the opportunity for discussion face to face or on the telephone.  Children on 1:1 support have annual review meetings.   Every Friday we have a celebration assembly and class assemblies each month. Children with SEND have their own learning targets that they work towards and these are discussed at ILP review meetings.

How accessible is the setting/school/college enviroment?

We actively encourage you as a parent to be involved with your child’s learning.  The class teacher, or SENDCo, may suggest ways of how you can support your child alongside homework activities.  If outside agencies, or the Educational Psychologist has been involved, suggestions and programmes of study may be provided that can be used at home.  We also run a number of training sessions for parents throughout the school year which will be advertised to parents as appropriate.

How will the setting/school/college prepare and support my child/young person to join the setting/school/college or the next stage of education and life?

The wellbeing of your child is central to the ethos of our school, our open door policy and proactive approach to dealing with any concerns or issues that your child is facing enables Daisyfield to provide a safe, happy and caring environment.  Daisyfield offers a wide variety of pastoral support for pupils with emotional difficulties. We have a Learning Mentor who runs nurture groups for children needing additional support in these areas. We also have access to a School Counsellor if sessions are required.

The emotional wellbeing of your child is extremely important to us and our staff are there to provide help and support to both you and your child.  Please feel free to contact the class teacher, SENDCo or Head Teacher if you have any concerns.

If your child has a medical need then a care plan will be prepared in consultation with you and the appropriate medical practitioners.  Most of our staff are first aid trained.  All of our policies in relation to the wellbeing of your child are available on our website.  These include: Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, Equal opportunities Policy, Race Equality Policy and our Anti bullying Policy.

Please see all these policies on our school website.

How are the setting's/school's/college's resources allocated and matched to children's/young people's special educational needs?

Activities and school trips are available to all children in our school and full details are available on our website.  A risk assessment will be carried out and procedures put in place to ensure that your child can participate.  If your child has additional needs, such as a special diet, we will discuss this in detail with you.

Support assistants, and welfare staff, are employed at Daisyfield to help if your child requires support during break and meal times and we have a wide range of clubs that take place during lunch breaks and after school.  Our school newsletter gives details of these.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child/young person will receive?

Induction meetings are held for children starting Nursery and Reception classes and for parents of children starting at other times of the year. Prior to this, a home visit is made to discuss the needs of each child, if the family is new to school. Children are also invited to school to attend sessions to get to know the setting, classroom, staff and other children before starting. Upon starting school, your child will have a phased introductory period with the time gradually building up depending on how well s/he settles.

At the end of each school year class teachers meet together to discuss all children that will be new to their class and assessment data is shared.  Additional transition work will be done with those children who may find moving from one class to the next a challenge.  

We have developed excellent relationships with the secondary schools that our children move on to.  Your child will have the opportunity to visit their new school and meet their new teacher.  We will ensure that all the relevant information about your child’s needs are discussed at a Transition Review Meeting and all appropriate records are forwarded to the new school. Additional transition work will be done with those children with special educational needs who may find moving to a new school a challenge.

How are parents involved in the setting/school/college? How can I be involved?

The SEND budget is allocated each financial year.  The money is used to provide additional support or resources dependent on individual’s needs.  School Governors have a role in setting appropriate budgets and overseeing expenditure.  The additional provision will be allocated by the child’s class teacher or the SENDCO depending on the child’s level of need.  Children are assessed regularly and closely monitored by the Class teacher and SLT Team to ensure that appropriate provisions are in place to the support the needs of the child.


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