East Lancashire Children's Hearing Services Working Group (CHSWG)

East Lancashire Children’s Hearing Services Working Group (CHSWG) is a group made up of different professionals and parents who work with and support children and young people with hearing loss. Some of these children and young people also have other needs. The group works together to ensure that deaf children and their families have good quality local support which meets their needs whilst meeting local and national frameworks and targets. The group provides a forum to acknowledge and address issues arising in children’s hearing services locally as identified by both service users and providers.

East Lancashire CHSWG meets twice a year and are open to new members who are involved in working with young people with hearing loss. The group also invites young people, parents and carers to join the group or to contact the group with any issues they would like discussing. 


Who to contact

Contact Name
Andrea Curran
Contact Position
Paediatric Audiology
01282 805896 01282 805896
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Where to go


The location of CHSWG meetings varies, and dates are arranged 12 months in advance. Please contact us for details if you are interested in attending a meeting.

Local Offer

Local Offer Age Bands
0-5 years
5-11 years
11-16 years
16-19 years
19-25 years
Parents & carers


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