Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust - Early Intervention Service (EIS)

The Early Intervention Service (EIS) specialises in working with individuals aged 14 to 35 at risk of, or currently experiencing, first episode psychosis. 

The EIS delivers specialist interventions through a modular programme, which will provide new opportunities for clients and their carers, and promote optimism through to recovery. 

Young adults between 14 and 16 will ordinarily access the service via a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Team. There are specific workers within the Early Intervention Team who link with these services and the overall management of these people will involve a joint working approach to ensure that a holistic view of need is taken.

In essence the service aims:


  • To promote adjustment and recovery from psychosis during the critical period by early therapeutic intervention and if clinically indicated, including the prescription of anti-psychotic medication.
  • Reduce the length of time psychosis in young people or adults remains undiagnosed and untreated.
  • Prevent admission to acute inpatient services.
  • Optimise the management of psychosis and any other co-morbidity problems.
  • Reduce re-admission rate or length of stay (LOS) for clients served by the EIP service.
  • Maintain or encourage access to employment or educational placements for all service users


The service provides a range of therapeutic approaches such as


  • Psycho-social Interventions
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Family interventions
  • Medication


The service aims to increase stability in the lives of service users and facilitate development and opportunities for personal fulfilment. This will often mean working in non-stigmatising locations in innovative ways that differ from most conventional secondary mental health services.

There is no limitation to the amount of intervention and support provided. This could range from one appointment to on-going support dependent on the presenting problem.

Who to contact

01254 226390 01254 226390
Scan to visit this website

Where to go

The Mount
Whalley Road


View BB5 1AR on a map


Referral required
Referral Details

Access Teams or Community Teams will be the most frequent source of referral following an assessment against the agreed criteria. Due to the nature of the work and to reduce stigma, referral to secondary psychiatric services may not always be appropriate and direct referral from community agencies must be permitted. Examples of referrers are shown below, but this is not an exclusive list: GP’s, Connexions, Education, Youth Organisations, Social Services, Other Local Authority Services, Primary Care Mental Health Teams, General Practitioners, Local Voluntary Sector, Social enterprise Organisations and Job Centres.


In addition referrals may come from other secondary psychiatric services such as:


  • Crisis Resolution/Home Treatment Teams
  • In patient mental health units.
  • Complex Care and Treatment Teams
  • Enhanced Day Treatment/Day Services (now more commonly known as Social Inclusion/Well Being Services)
  • Other Psychology Services
  • Early Detection Intervention Teams (EDIT) (Ashton, Leigh and Wigan only at present)
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Teams (CAMHS)
  • Other professionals who work with children and young people


Those who are eligible to receive the service will do so free of charge. The team aim to see new referrals within a couple of weeks to begin the assessment.

The service aims are to increase stability in the lives of service users and facilitate development and opportunities for personal fulfilment.

Other notes

The first point of contact for a parent/carer or young person to discuss something about their care would be the practitioner delivering the care. If the child/young person or parent/carer has any urgent worries and concerns contact should be made with the local team who can provide advice or support as necessary.

Duty cover is available Monday – Friday until 8pm and partial duty cover is available over the weekend. Otherwise, the answerphone service can be used out of hours and generic queries.

Once the service has received the referral they will be able to assess whether the child would benefit from the service. The referrer can also contact the service to address this. Other services such as; child and adolescent mental health service, school nurses, learning disability service and other professionals will provide support for interventions

Local Offer

Contact Telephone
01254 226390
Local Offer Age Bands
11-16 years
16-19 years
19-25 years
Needs Level
SEN Provision Type


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